Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Interview With Andreja Cepus

Welcome to The Women Behind The Poetry, where we interview women from the 'Journey of The Heart: Women's Spiritual Poetry Project'!  

Today we introduce you to Slovenian Social Artist Andreja Cepus, whose inspiring work involves networking with people all over the world to usher in new ways of thinking, creating and leading. 

When and how did you first begin writing poetry?

I guess it came as a calling of my Soul that wanted to express herself. I started to write poetry in elementary school and it was just something that came out in moments of my solitude, when I was contemplating what was going on in my life at that point.  I couldn’t force it, it was just a flow and it came whenever I was in this special state of being, deep within. It stayed with me...but the flow was not constant. I never knew when it’s going to appear. There were long periods of time that I couldn’t write anything, but then came moments…when something was alive, awake within, a huge wave…and it wanted to come through, to come out to be shared. My soul was communicating with me and through me. And the feeling, when the poem was on the paper, was special, too. These are sacred, intimate moments when you give birth to creation.

Which subjects are easiest for you to write poems on?

My poems are usually the expression of my soul’s deep knowing and spiritual growth. It’s about the spiritual evolution and passion of diving deep to find my own diamond shining: like a state of being birthed and once it’s out, the shift is done. Poems are inspirations and invitation to us all…to step into our deep balanced center within and walk it in everyday life.

Which subjects are the hardest for you to write about?

Probably I could never write about anything that doesn’t touch me on a soul level.

When do you feel most inspired to write poetry?

I feel most inspired to write poetry when merged with Oneness: with all that is happening within and without. Nature is my pure Source of inspiration. Feeling connected, being a part of this big picture of Life, being One with nature within and outside me…these are moments of pure Being, Grace and deep Silence where I can only hear the voice of my own Soul weaving the new vibration into the matrix of Life. It’s like a breath of Life, paused in one moment, enriched there with the soul message…in order to be expressed and shared.

What is your biggest fear or hesitation when deciding to share a poem with the public?

At the beginning I was very shy about having my poetry read by others.  But when I allow my Soul to come through, a sacred moment is captured, and  expressed, and i realize they are very intimate expressions of my own truth.

At first, I wasn’t comfortable with being seen in such an intimate space, where everything is transparent. I had this limiting belief that my truth is not good enough to be shared; I haven’t considered myself as poetess! But at the same time, I felt if the creation is being birthed it might be for a purpose to have a life on its own. So, I set it (and myself) free.  And got encouraged by the feedback, when seeing that my poems can inspire others. 

What is the most profound thing you have learned from writing poems?

I would say that this has to do with realization that creative flow coming through me has a life on its own and it’s up to me to just set it free. I believe that poems are creation birthed in words and they are true essence of the soul. Words are potent and can ignite the spark in one who reads them, when they are embodying pure universal truth. I cannot expect, push, command or try here, when composing a poem. I can only give it an opportunity to emerge, and hold space for light to grow and spread however, wherever and whenever it wishes.  I also learned that this flow is effortless and that simplicity can be more powerful than any complexity. It’s the same with Life.

How is writing poetry a spiritual process for you?

Writing a poem is a pure spiritual process for me.  When I feel the flow of poetry it’s like a wave of light is running through me. I find myself in enlightened space, existing within the moment, merged with this creative force. And I always know when this process is finished, when all is out. It’s communication with the Soul on a most intimate level, and what comes out is always something that I’ve just integrated within me. After it’s out…I always feel that the poem introduced a theme that then comes alive in my everyday life in every detail, as if the poem needs to be embodied fully into every action, word and step that I do. It’s very conscious process and it’s also a very beautiful one. I love these sacred moments.

What function has writing poems played for you in your life?

At first, writing poetry was a catalyst for my emotions to come out. But then something changed. It became more of a communication process with my soul. My soul gave me deep insights on how things organically flow and grow and evolve. And I knew the time has come for me to fully embody this truth. These communications with my soul through poetry also gave me inspiration for new ideas, projects, and openings. Lately, and I guess this is now third stage, I’ve observed and realized  this is becoming a pure Creation process, for whenever a poem comes out, -a new one or old one- and is then shared and published somewhere, a new door opens for me in my life!

Name some of your favorite poetesses.

Quite a difficult task. ;) I love Maya Angelou poetry. There’s also Anais Nin. And there is also a great Slovene poetess Bina Štampe Žmavc that I really love for her just absolutely graceful and he-ART-istic way with words. There are many others also from Women Spiritual Poetry portal, that I just feel inspired when reading their poetry. 

What effect does reading the poems of others have on you?

When the poems of others speak to my soul they touch me on a deep level. I find myself immersed in another world and feel like diving deep, drinking from source and coming out a little dizzy, but inspired, enriched with new nuance of life’s colors.

How did you first discover Journey of The Heart?

Some kind of ‘coincidence’ happened. I’ve opened my Facebook and saw someone liking something on the page of Women’s Spiritual Poetry. I felt drawn to it and started reading. And there was fresh invitation posted for new poems to be presented. I felt my call and I answered.

Have you publically shared your poetry before doing so via this project?

Nothing big really. Some of them in some school newspapers and magazines. I had all my poems from my new era of writing prepared to be birthed in a book of poetry, and I even had presented it already to some publishers.  I got beautiful feedback, however was advised to try self-publishing it. I somehow then put this project aside but with knowing…that the right time will come.

If not, what did it feel like to share your poetry for the first time on Journey of The Heart?

I was honoured. I felt as my poetry is alive again and it was such a beautiful feeling.  After getting some beautiful feedback from others, I was especially touched. I realized that my poems really can touch hearts and maybe the time is coming for them to be shared. As I already stated, when this happened new doors opened for me in my life, too.

What has been your general experience of sharing your poetry on Journey of The Heart?

This was most beautiful sharing that I am still very grateful for. Love and respect present, warm circle of beautiful souls coming together and just simply sharing their souls. Not because of need or want, but because of simple joy of sharing, connecting, expressing, being, creating. Beautiful energy!

Any last words you’d like to share about poetry?

Poetry is the language of our divine feminine souls. Words, woven with pure light vibration, have such a transformative power and can infuse your life with inspiration.  Poetry holds a special frequency and once you tune to it, your life gets enriched with the touch of Creation itself!   

Andreja Cepus: I am from Slovenia and I like to call myself a Social Artist, as I feel that new ways of thinking, creating and leading in our society demand new professions & expressions. New ideas, solutions, creations, can be brought forth only through authenticity and uniting different aspects, dimensions, fields, views: Incorporating spirituality, business & art together. I've always seen my mission here and I can finally name it: Social Artistry it is. I bring that forth through creative communications, that are really my passion and divine feminine expression. My soul path includes the Service to Divine Feminine, which is the balanced feminine and masculine way, the co-creation of new era of magic of life. I am contributing to our new world from Being Within to expression without... with writing (articles, marketing communications texts, copywriting, editing), PR communications, organizing the events on Sacred Feminine Energy, facilitating Women's Circle events, interviews, hosting video talks, moderating, and co-creating higher good in different fields. I love nature, yoga, hiking, art, music, sound, communications, creativity, new ideas, circles, dance, authenticity, organic, sustainability, visionary leadership, networking, joyful co-creations, journeys, sacred way of being. You can visit my website here, or contact me at:


~If you are one of the poetesses from 'Journey of the Heart', and would like to appear in this blog, just click here to request an interview. We are excited to learn more about you!~

~If you write poetry and would like to share it on 'Journey of The Heart', click here for submission guidelines. And thank you for your interest!~ 

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